Development of three (3) learning modules and quick brand video (including content) to build brand champions across the organisation to ensure the appropriate use of the brand’s asset and to increase brand awareness and brand recognition.
Module 1:
Essentials and Introduction
In this introductory piece, users are asked what they plan to use the UNSW brand for in their every day applications. The module will then unlock personalised content.
Estimated time 5-10 min
Users: All users
Module 2:
Every day users
Here users will learn about applying the right UNSW brand elements to letters, temporary directional signage, business cards, PowerPoint etc. This module also includes information for managers and their role and responsibilities, in upholding the brand.
Estimated time 5-30 min
Users: UNSW Staff, Contractors, and External Agencies
Module 3:
Creative users
The third training module provides users valuable advice on working independently or alongside creative processionals to ensure the UNSW brand is appropriately used in their designs.
Estimated time 5 min per bite sized module
Users: Designers, External creative agencies, merchandise suppliers
Process and what I did
Prior to building e-learning modules, my research included empathy mapping and customer journey mapping. This process can be seen here. This allowed me to create content relevant to all users of the brand.
My role included providing all visuals and text and worked closely with our learning vendor Guroo Producer, who provided us with a learning platform tool. I was able to make my own changes and embed graphics. Prior to launch, focus groups gave feedback on usability and content.
Asking users questions about their learning ensured information is retained and reinforced.
Outcome and learnings
The learning environment was adaptive and self paced, personalising learning experiences to different users of the brand. Feedback was encouraged during the launch via a short survey after the modules and changes actioned. Analytics provided details on where users stopped their learnings and how much time was spent on each module, giving insights on future improvements.
Overall this was this was an exciting time at the university to have such a resource dedicated to building brand champions.
Module 1 Demo
Video Guides
Two video guides were also created ensuring all users had the choice to learn in a way that worked for them.